Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Twillingate, NL, is a typical fishing village with lots of interesting places for tourists to see. We started at the Anglican Parsonage, which is the local museum. Just across the street is St. Peter's Anglican Church. I think it's been a day or so since I showed you a picture of an Anglican church.

Our next stop was at Herring Neck, a beautiful little fishing village. We saw a fairly large fishing boat off-loading some crab pots, and we stopped to ask him some questions. His name was Jim King and, he was the owner of the boat. They were bringing in all their pots because Saturday will be the last day of the season. It will take three trips to bring in all the pots and line. When we were visiting they were off-loading 15 miles of rope which is used to connect the pots. He, Jim King, said that they might get 30 pounds of crab to a pot. They would like to get 45 pounds, but crabbing isn't that good right now. Below is a photo of a village near Main Tickle Bay.

The photo, above right, is of Twillingate Light House. The light house is being renovated and you can see they are working on the siding and windows. Mike Paterson is doing the windows and casings. He's the woodworker that we visited last Sunday. The work is being done to original spec's.

Thursday night, we went to a dinner theater in Crow Head. The group is called the Round the Circle, and they serve the meal and then do a show that is true Nufey humor. The jokes and skits are so stupid they are funny. The photo at the left is a take-off on Lilly Tomlin's.

When we checked in at the campground on Thursday, Connie mentioned that we knew of some people who lived in Twillingate, but had never met them. Les Smith told us that the Elliott's lived in Twillingate. The owner of the park knew the Elliott's and gave them a call. Later Sterling and Joan Elliott stopped at the campground and introduced themselves. We visited a while and they invited us to their home on Friday night, after the dinner theater. We enjoyed meeting them and had a very nice visit. They are pictured here in front of their beautiful home.

Today, we went to Prime Berth, photos above. The owner does the tours and talks about growing up in Tizzard's Harbour. His father was a cod fisherman. He demonstrated how the cod are cleaned and salted. The whale bones are from a actual whale that had died and washed up on a beach. He contacted the government agency and asked if he could have the carcass. He towed it quite a distance, let the flesh decompose, and then reassembled the bones for display.

The picture, upper right, is of fishing boats at Tizzard's Harbour.

This photo is to add a little humor to the blog. Yes, there is a Dildo Run Provincial Park.
We will continue to look for interesting points of interest.

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