Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thursday we drove just a short distance from Richmond, ON and parked the motor home at an RV park near Brockville, ON. We then drove 75-80 Km to Kingston where I had booked a river cruise to see the 1000 Islands on the St. Laurence Seaway. I made a mistake. I was hoping to see vacation homes on the small islands, but only saw a few. We did see Fr. Henry (pictured above). It was built during the War of 1812. On our way back to the motor home, we took the 1000 Islands Parkway and did manage to see some of the cottages on the islands. We found out that the river views we were looking for were only a few kilometers away from our campsite! There should be a moral to this story. One might be to ask the local people before you make judgements on your own.

We drove to Quebec City on Friday and stayed in Levis, ON, just across the river from Quebec City. We took a ferry over to Quebec on Saturday morning. The weather forcast was for rain and we tried to get the city in before it rained. We saw the Citadelle, the Plains of Abraham, the Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac Hotel (photo above), the Norte-Dame-de-Quebec Cathedral, hundreds of shops and hundreds of restaurantes.

The horse and carriage were just outside the walls around Quebec City (the only walled city in North America). The Citadelle was built in the 17th century by the British; it's built in a 'star' shape, it's call the "Gilbraltor of America, and it is still being used.

We had lunch at this small cafe, looked through some shops, and took the ferry back to Levis and the RV park. Tomorrow we will leave for New Brunswick.

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